Tuesday 21 September 2010

A new start

Hi I'm Jake Paget, this is my mad life and man blog, keep you up to date with the hart brake, madness and all my arty goings on.

Starting off with my Three day freshers partying

Day 1
Thursday the 16th
Foam party, got very merry and had lots of fun in the VIP area thanks to the organisers.

Day 2
Friday the 17th
The welcome party i ran as party of my role as student union vice president, a little more drinking but nothing heavy.

Day 3
Saturday the 18th
Well this is where the ups and downs come in to it, went to an amazing party at a friends but well lets just say i fell on my face physically and emotionally.

So welcome!
Diary Of My Mad Geeky, Arty Life
Diary of the geek chic world of an art student. Following ups and downs of art school and all that goes along with being young!
                    (Me on the right and i dont know the name of the girl)

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