Monday 6 December 2010

New Project

I think i have found an intresting project i should try soon, this is

How to Become Famous Quickly

I could do this as part of my art school or just for fun but i need put a lot of time and effort in to it!
This website has some good ideas but mind wold me more from the net side and more arty!
This was so much fun to make

I'v been living it up

Over the last few mounths iv been in so busy having an amazing time partying in London and Plymouth so I'v not been blogging but you so will here more from me soon. (also i have had epic amounts of college work to do and loving my tumblr page to much)
My best friend Phoebe partying with me in Plymouth

Saturday 30 October 2010

The new big thing

I'm on the edge of the next big thing but it means destroying art and advertising! BUT I'm not sure how to do it, i think i need to keep my mouth shut for a year a work on the idea and i think this time next year you all will be talking about me. oh i love drunk blogging

Wednesday 29 September 2010

F*** ME

I hope every one is ready for original sin this thusday because its going the be a messy one and iv had so much fun at these events! To get in the mood for F*** ME IT’S JagerFest 2010 why not head to one of our pre-drinking bars Mutley Crown & BrassMonkey Plymouth who are both doing £1 JagerBOMBS!!!!! AND you can get the FREE bus down to Oceana afterwards!! …What more could you ask for….!!?

Wednesday 22 September 2010

A very very long day!

After a long long day i need so much sleep! But all the sleep will be undone my tomorrow’s things i have to do!

College for 2D fine art

Political lunch work meeting

Start portfolio

Meet  Kate and gang for dinner

Go to Lauren’s to get ready to go out

9 or 10pm
arrive at geek night!

4 or so am
Get home in a state

Go to college?

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Here's to what i hope to be a good day tomorrow!

Well as this funny flirty day comes to an end, i reflect on how much funny with photography today and i look sort of forward to all the drawing I've got to do tomorrow
(Joe From my College)